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SPX Design Enhancements to the NetWare Requester for OS/2 (v1.3)
Bryan R. Clark
Systems Engineer
Systems Engineering Division
Robert Perry
Senior Technical Writer
Systems Engineering Division
This AppNote contains information for developers who write applications using
Novell's Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) in the OS/2 environment. It
explains recent enhancements to SPX with the March 1991 release of the
NetWare Requester for OS/2 v1.3, including general design improvements as
well as specific changes to data structures and the Application Programming
Interface (API).
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Introduction 55
Overview of Improvements to the OS/2 Requester 55
Design Enhancements 55
ECBs Linked to Connection 55
Problems Solved 55
SPX API Enhancements 56
Removal of the Socket-based Listen API 56
Other APIs Dropped 56
Modified APIs 57
New APIs 57
Structures Changed 57
ECB Structure Changes 57
Connection Status Structure Changes 58
SPX Throughput Increased and Memory Reduced 58
Improved Buffer Management 59
Summary of SPX Changes 60
Appendix A 61
Acknowledgements 61
This AppNote is addressed to developers who write SPX applications that run
under OS/2. The changes to the application programming interface (API) and
structures are explained briefly in this document. For developers needing
more detail, an appendix at the end of the AppNote lists the Software
Developer's Kit (SDK) which includes the complete SPX specification for OS/2
Overview of Improvements to the OS/2 Requester
As part of the continuing effort to enhance the functionality of Novell OS/2
products, an enhanced NetWare Requester for OS/2 (v1.3) was released with
NetWare v3.11. Release 1.3 of the Requester provides enhancements to the SPX
API, an increase in SPX throughput, a significant reduction in memory
requirements, and improved buffer management.
Design Enhancements
ECBs Linked to Connection
From its inception, SPX has always been a connection-based protocol. However,
because of the strong coupling of a socket to a connection, the two notions
became almost synonymous. This led to the convention of linking Event
Control Blocks (ECBs) to the socket rather than the connection. The new 1.3
Requester SPX driver now links ECBs only to connections.
Problems Solved
Previously, when multiplexing both socket-based and connection-based
applications on the same socket, there were problems. First was the matching
of incoming received packets to listen ECBs. SPX could not properly determine
if the incoming packet was destined for the socket or connection. Since ECBs
are now linked only to a connection, this matching problem has been solved.
Secondly, when multiplexing on the same socket, remote machines could not
determine the number of listen ECBs available. For example, look at the
configuration shown in Figure 1. Suppose a socket on A has two connections
(one to B and one to C), and that it has posted four listen ECBs on the
socket. In this situation, B would think that there are four ECBs available,
and so would C. Thus, if both B and C wanted to send at the same time, there
would be eight incoming packets and only four listen ECBs to receive them.
Obviously, this would result in errors that require retransmission. Now that
ECBs are posted on the connection, A would post two ECBs to each connection.
: Old method of multiple connections on the same socket.
By having ECBs linked to the connection rather than to a socket, the problem
of running out of listen ECBs, as described in Figure 1, is now solved as
SPX API Enhancements
The SPX APIs have been updated to remove the usage of sockets where
connections should be used. Several of the APIs were modified to better
support the connection-based protocol. Other APIs were removed because their
functionality existed elsewhere.
Removal of the Socket-based Listen API
Due to its use of the socket parameter, the SPXListenForSequencedPacket API
has been removed. It should be replaced by SPXListenForConnectionPacket,
which correctly uses a connection parameter instead of a socket for posting
Other APIs Dropped
Some of the APIs have been dropped because their functionality is now
provided elsewhere. The functions of SPXGetTime can now be accessed with
DOSGetTimeAndDate. The function of SPXCleanUp is now handled by
SPXTerminateConnection, since cleanup is now associated with a connection.
Modified APIs
Several APIs were modified to support the SPX enhancements. Both the
SPXOpenSocket and SPXCloseSocket now return IPX error codes, which will
require IPXError.H to included. Also note that SPX_ SUCCESSFUL has been
chaged to 0x3000. This may require logic changes in your application's code.
SPXCleanup is no longer available to the application, but this functionality
has been included in the SPXTerminateConnection call. SPXCloseSocket no
longer does clean up. Before closing a connection, a semaphore should be set
and SPXTerminateConnection called. Once the semaphore is cleared, you can
call SPXCloseSocket. In a more minor change, SPXGetVersion no longer returns
revDate; the revision date can now be obtained by using NVER.EXE.
New APIs
With the changes in SPX, new APIs have been introduced. The first of these,
SPXECBErrorCheck, enables or disables extensive error checking on ECBs,
including extensive listings of errors encountered.
An additional pair of APIs, SPXEstablishConnection2 and
SPXListenForConnection2, introduce the new ListenECB parameter. These APIs
ensure that a listen ECB is preposted to a connection before it is
established. Previously, if a remote partner was trying to send, SPX would
block the send waiting for a listen ECB to be posted. With the new APIs the
first packet can be sent immediately after establishing the connection. This
also reduces the number of LSL buffers used and minimizes SPX timeouts or
Structures Changed
ECB Structure Changes
The ECB structure itself has been modified. Minor changes involved moving
HSEM from its position in the ECB's Reserved structure (at offset 10) to its
own place at offset 34 (the Reserved structure remains in place for future
use), and removing Connection Number from the ECB's Protocol Workspace
structure. Figure 2 shows the old and new ECB structure.
: The SPX Event Control Block structure, before and after modification
Connection Status Structure Changes
The structure of SPXGetConnectionStatus has also been changed. The
LocalSocket (offset 32) and SupressedPackets (offset 54) fields were deleted.
The RemoteSequenceNumber was added (at offset 12) to facilitate buffer
management. Also, the RetransmitCount was renamed to RetryCount (offset 44).
Figure 3 shows the old and the new versions of the SPXGetConnectionStatus
SPX Throughput Increased and Memory Reduced
The new SPX provides an increase in performance. It also minimizes the use of
LSL buffers and simplifies the LSL buffer management. The amount of memory
required to load the SPX driver has been reduced to a fraction of what it
used to be.
: The SPXGetConnectionStatus structure, before and after modificiation
Improved Buffer Management
During an SPX call, the memory segment containing the ECB buffer is now
locked, preventing relocation of memory. An application must not change the
ECB fields while an SPX call is being made. The application should use a
semaphore to wait for the completion of the SPX call. Alternatively, by
passing a NULL for the ECB semaphore handle and polling the ECBStatus field,
an OS/2 application can determine when the SPX call has completed.
Summary of SPX Changes
This section is included as a brief listing of all the key SPX- related
changes involved in release 1.3 of the NetWare Requester for OS/2.
Appendix A
To obtain the latest Software Developer's Kit (SDK), call Novell Developer
Relations at 1-800-RED-WORD (1-800-733-9673). The part numbers are listed
1.3 OS/2 Requester SDK (5 1/4-inch diskettes) Part Number 883-000940-001
1.3 OS/2 Requester SDK (3 1/2-inch diskettes) Part Number 883-000941-001
A special thanks to Bob Young and Mike Lasky for their help with this
Editor's Note: The author accepts written feedback at FAX (801) 429#5511.